Hi, Welcome to Eat.Move.Meditate.
A Wellness collective for women of culture.
Women like you and I who have a story to share, wisdom to impart, and voices to be heard.
You are uniquely you and
I am uniquely me
In our uniqueness is great strength and wisdom, but you must pay attention to what your mind and body needs to thrive.
Wellness means different things to different women. There is no one size fits all, cookie cutter, pill for that… Quick fix. In your lifetime alone you will encounter variations of wellness.
You may have considered yourself an athlete at one point and find yourself a couch potato at another point. Calm, cool, collect in your 30’s, and anxiety ridden in your forties, back to amazing in your fifties.
The point is… we are constantly evolving human beings on a journey. As a trained epidemiologist observing patterns and experimenting with the ultimate laboratory (my body) is my guilty pleasure.
As a trained Yoga and Meditation teacher I’m a firm believer that our bodies are intelligent beings and when left undisturbed they know exactly how to heal themselves.
I am always experimenting, observing, testing, and tweaking my diet and lifestyle based on what my body tells me and what works for me. I’ll share my learnings and lessons here but you’ll often hear me say “don’t take my word for it, try it yourself and report back!” What works for me may not work for you but it’ll be a starting point to test, tweak, and repeat.
But really I’m human (like you)
A primal woman on a journey to live life well and enjoy every moment of this crazy adventure. I don’t have all the answers. But I’m sure I know someone who does know the answer.
You see, women are resourceful, we thrive in sisterhood. By sharing our stories we become stronger.

eatmovemeditate.com was born in 2009 as a living, breathing, evolving organism with a life of its own.
I didn’t know how it would evolve, but here we are. A wellness collective for women of culture.
Over the last 20 years testing and trying out diets, workout plans, traveling, teaching yoga, using apps, and meditating in silence I discovered that the recipe for optimal wellbeing isn’t as complicated as we make it out to be, it’s actually quite simple:
Mix these three ingredients together and you are well on your way to optimal wellbeing.
This blog is a reflection of my ongoing journey towards living life well. I’m obsessed with living healthy and keeping it simple.
Fortunately, I don’t have to do it alone…
Neither do you.
I’ve traveled around the globe in pursuit of peace, along the way I’ve met some amazing women who have become teachers and tribe.
This blog is a wellness collective for women of culture to share their stories. The women here may not have millions of IG followers, they are not bloggers, they don’t have careers in “wellness”. They are everyday women, living their lives and figuring it out along the way.
We are stronger together.

If you’re looking to make the healthy choice the easy choice… you’ve come to the right place.
I invite you to poke around, read more about what strikes your fancy, share a bit about your experience. Together we will build culture of wellbeing that works for women of culture by women of culture.
Make sure to meet our fearless female authors and don’t forget to stop by the shop to find a curation of our favorite tried and tested wellbeing products. Needless to say, we love a little retail therapy 😉
Love & Light

The fine print:
Eat.Move.Meditate. is part of a few hand selected affiliate marketing programs used to offer recommendations. As such, this website earns a (very, very) small amount of commission from some outbound links. Posts which have been sponsored are always disclosed in cooperation with FTC regulations. Please know that all opinions offered on this site are each authors own, our opinions are not to be considered medical advice, please consult your physician for any specific questions. P