You have decided to take on a new lifestyle incorporating physical exercise and a healthy diet, partly because you enjoy this new lifestyle and partly because you want to see results. Over the years we have been conditioned to think that if our diet and exercise plan is working then the number on the scale should decrease. We become obsessed with the scale and its reading and unknowingly make it our diet and exercise counselor. One pound down, hooray we are on the right path, one pound up, boo this plan isn’t working time to switch to a new plan. Like this we get stuck in a vicious mind game that can deter us from continuing on our new lifestyle even when our body is visibly changing. So what to do … Step AWAY from the scale! All our weight tells us how much mass we are carrying, it does not tell us we lost inches of the waist, toned up our bellies, and increased in muscle, strength and agility, therefore it is not and end all indicator of our success. Weighing yourself may make you susceptible to congratulatory eating that means rewarding yourself with a big piece of chocolate cake because the scale said you were down 3 pounds. Again, setting yourself up for that vicious mind game. Even with all the knowledge and sense in the world, we still become insensible in the face of that judge, the bathroom scale!
Abandon the scale obsession and adopt the following measures of success:
When starting a new diet or exercise regimen record your weight, body fat, body measurements (waist, hips, chest, etc.) Then don’t touch these again for at east 3 weeks, preferably 6 weeks. (Note: it might be tempting to weigh especially after having a big cheat meal… don’t do it, you will only psyche yourself out.)
Instead of weight obsession, have a how you feel obsession. Keep a daily journal recording the following:
- Food log: everything you consumed including liquids
- Rate your hunger level on a scale of 1 to 5 ( this will help determine if you are overeating, eating to satisfaction, or starving yourself)
- Rate your energy level
- Track your performance in whatever activity you take on
- Reward yourself with smiley faces for doing all of the above J
In time you will reap the benefits of your healthy lifestyle and you will look, feel, and perform better!
Paleo Update
I’m super excited by the comments on the blog and the quick talks in the cell regarding the Paleo Challenge. Keep up the good work and keep asking questions!
Day 9
Breakfast: Fasted
Lunch: 3 eggs and yams
Snack: Cooked cabbage and tangerine
Dinner: Baked Chicken with tomato sauce, basil, garlic and mixed green salad w/avocado, tomato, cucumber ( TASTY!)
DAY 6! tired, but could easily walk by sugar goodies…
8:45 – 2 eggs, 1/3 c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, large tangerine (5oz)
1pm – 5 oz chicken thigh, 6 oz butternut squash, 8 almonds
4:15pm – 1.5 oz turkey, ½ green pepper (4oz)
7:30 WOD – good WOD!!
9pm – 5 oz salmon, 8 oz eggplant, 5 red lettuce leaves, 8 almonds
DAY 7 — got my energy back! My body getting used to paleo and no sugar again… hope I’ll keep it that way this weekend?
6:45 – 2 eggs, 1/3 c egg whites, 2 tsp olive oil, large tangerine (5oz)
12:15pm (late, I know! Work again…)
Panda Express: bowl with mixed veggies (didn’t eat the carrots) and Mandarin chicken, no sauce
4pm – 1 oz ahi tuna, small nectarine, 6 almonds
7pm – ¾ of a Taco Bell crispy chicken taco, no sauce, cheese, sour cream – was starving and that was about the best I could do until I got home to dinner
9pm – 5 oz salmon, 8 oz red cabbage, 8 almonds
Laurie, nice job making it work while eating out! That’s a key to living the lifestyle. Congrats! I also do the same thing when I go to Taco Bell and Panda.