Before I moved to California 5 years ago from New York, I never even heard of this thing. I had my first Persimmon a few weeks ago, plucked right off a friends tree. I wasn't even sure how to eat it, however someone suggested it eats like an apple. Honestly I wasn't impressed; the taste was mild and the skin pretty harsh. However now that they're in season, I must say I'm a believer! If you live in California, you can find them everywhere right now. Known by the Greeks as the "Fruit of the Gods", they are native to China and were introduced to California in the mid 1800's. Nutrition Data shows they have a low glycemic load, and are very high in Vitamin C and Riboflavin. I must say they taste awesome lately, and are a great complement to a Nutritionized meal!
Do you like Persimmons? Post to coments.
Totallyyyy love Persimmons, I’ve had one almost everday since they came in season!