Here’s what you will be seeing next in the fast food industry.
I had the opportunity to visit Tim Dymmel over at Crossfit Palo Alto yesterday. He has a pretty cool box going on and offered me some great pointers on pull ups and front squats; my arch nemesis’s when it comes to crossfit movements. After the wod I spent some time chatting with him and I asked him a bit about his Nutrition Lifestyle. I can quote him on this “Proper Nutrition is what keeps me running throughout the day because I don’t get much sleep and am working from early morning to late night.” Tim is a father of two with a third on the way and recently opened up and is growing his box and is hitting PR’s like never before. He eats Paleo, doses up on fish oil, takes his Vitamin D, works hard… and every now and then picks up a bag of skittles J . Thanks for sharing Tim!
On another note I posted about the benefits of Vitamin D not too long ago, its only other supplement besides fish oil that is recommended. Tim mentioned that he no longer takes Vitamin D in the morning because it interacts with Caffeine and reduces absorption. I looked into this and was not able to find any substantial evidence to confirm it however I did find that overall it is better to separate coffee and drugs by atleast a half hour to one hour, so for those of you who are washing your pills down with your coffee…stop! Some supplements such as Vitamin C do have reduction in absorption because of caffeine however it is miniscule. It appears that this is more of an issue if you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia where the minuscule calcium loss is more obvious. Overall reduction in daily caffeine intake and separating drugs/supplements from caffeine is a good idea. Most important is to take supplements with a meal to increase absorption.
Lots of exciting things happening… CFU level 2 testing is around the corner and then sectionals are soon approaching. If you have fallen off of the Nutrition lifestyle, now is a good time to jump back on!
What’s your burning nutrition question? Post to comments…
Saturday February 13 @ 10am
This seminar is for the January and February on rampers that joined CFU. Looking forward to meeting you all!
nice article…very informative and beneficial for health
Did you know that the fast food and casual dining restaurants you eat in every day have secret menu items? A select few are in on the secret and now you are a part of this culinary elite. We aren’t just talking about the barely secret In-N-Out Burger “hold the bread, lettuce wrapped burger,” oh no. We have items all over town, including an unhealthy smoothie at Jamba Juice and a San Francisco-only Mc10:35. The Consumerist is all over this, and now you can be too.
How often does the average American eat fast food per week?
Good question! There are many sources of this info, check this out: