Hi readers, I am excited to introduce a new contributor to the Nutritionize blog, Theo Paat from Crossfit Santa Clara. Theo is a fellow crossfitter and nutrition enthusiast and after experiencing the extreme benefits of Paleo, Zone, and Zoleo he ventured off to get certified. Let's give him a warm welcome. Here is his story…
My name is Theo Paat and I'm your typical 9 to 5'ver by day and wannabe Crossfitter athlete by night and did I mention I'm excited about the Paleo Lifestyle. There I said it, and you read it. I am excited about Paleo!
For the past few months, I have adopted and incorporated this new lifestyle and haven't looked back since. You know why? Because it works. Like many people who first hear about a "new" way of eating, I too, was skeptical but was open to hearing how beneficial this could be to your average Joe or Crossfit "Superstar Athlete" in the making. If this idea was never brought to my attention, I probably wouldn't be feeling as great or performing as well as I am today.
In a nutshell here's what went down…
I first met the Nutritionize! Dynamic Duo of Ritu and Ajay, at a seminar that they held at the Crossfit gym that I attend. Here they talked about a simple, healthy, and interesting way to eat. Soon after the rundown of the evening's agenda, the coveted word of the hour was mentioned. Zoleo! Basically it is the love child of the Zone and Paleo diets. Zone diet for optimizing performance, and the Paleo diet or "cave-mans" diet regimen. Simple right? It sure was. That hour was just filled with loads of information that not only laid out a blueprint of this amazing concept, but also sparked a sense of urgency to incorporate this into my life right away. And from that day on I did…
I preached this idea to friends and family members, and like many people who hear about "fad" diets, they too were skeptical. At least I got them to listen to my new found knowledge base of the Zoleo concept. I knew it would be a change to rid myself of all the things I used to eat, but incorporating a simple, healthy, and delicious approach to obtaining and improving overall health, while optimizing your performance in and out of the gym? Who wouldn't want to do that?
My strong urge to educate others about this idea led me to setting up a meeting w/ Ritu and Ajay. I wanted to become a member of the team, and educate other members of the Crossfit community about the Zoleo plan. As much as I wanted to assist w/ presentations, I needed to have a better grasp of the concept under my belt, so they encouraged me to get my Crossfit Level I Nutrition Certification. Whatever it took, I did. On November 7, 2009, I was officially certified.
Hours and hours of information crammed into an eight hour seminar was difficult, but well worth every minute. Not only was Robb Wolf very informative, but he also elaborated a little bit more on the Paleolithic diet of the cavemen and its long term benefit. Everything just made so much sense. From that day, I made a vow to myself that I was going to go Paleo…and so I did.
Now, it's February 2010, and I have been on Paleo since my certification date. And you know what? It's something I'm glad I did.
Round II: Evolution of eating…
A quick rundown of what happened once my results from my Hydrostatic Body Fat Test was conducted on each occasion:
During ZOLEO (6 months into Crossfit) = 17% BF / 205 lbs.
Whether you decide to go the Zoleo Route or Paleo Route, you will definitely notice a change in yourself and in your performance. Each and every person is different. For me this is a big deal because I've never had that low of BF% ever! I surprise myself every time I'm in the gym. Things I can do now as opposed to what I could do 8 months ago? It's like day and night. Ok, maybe not that extreme,
But I'm doing a lot better. =)
So basically, that's why I am here. I want to try and encourage others to jump on the band-wagon and see for yourself what a change in your nutrition lifestyle can honestly do for you, and your performance. It may not be for everyone, but at least you could say you tried it. Trust me when I say this. You will see a difference. Not right away, but in a few months you will. This isn't the last you will hear from me.
Welcome aboard Theo, we look forward to the energy you bring and your contribution to the community!
Welcome Theo! Your enthusiasm just shows how passionate you are, can’t wait to hear more from you!
Thanks AJ.
I am looking forward to becoming an active contributor to this blogging community.
Stay tuned!