The one thing I admire about crossfitters is their dedication. They come into the cell time after time and take a beating or two from a chipper or Kelly or Fran or some other wod on crack and then they write it down as evidence! Why? Because journals help you measure performance… you don't see and know how far you have come along unless you remember where you started and what better proof than to see it written down.
The same rules apply when it comes to your nutrition. In order to make serious changes to your nutrition lifestyle you must first see your patterns and become aware of them. Keeping a food log for even one week can be extremely informative. You might find that you crave French Fries at 2pm every Thursday or that Mondays are challenging to eat breakfast, etc. Research shows that we make over 200 food decisions a day!!! These range from "What do I want to eat?" to "Do I want another bite?" to "I need to change the way I eat". Logging brings these decisions to the conscious mind that usually is involved in making right decisions. Many people complain that food logs are tedious and time consuming but they can be fun and easy if you find a tool that works best for you. With all of the high tech tools out there we can now access logs on our computers and mobile devices and if all else fails pick up a pen and paper and begin writing.
One CFU member decided to revamp her Nutrition before she tied the knot and to stick with it she used her handy I phone to photograph and text me her meals!!! This texting zoleoite knew that she would be eating out a lot and sticking to the plan challenged her to find healthy alternatives everywhere she went. I was pleasantly surprised by some of her meal creations! I actually looked forward to her texts that when I didn't receive a text, she received 5 in all CAPS! She did a great job in sticking to her commitment and reaching her goals. Over the next few posts I will be highlighting her food adventures for all of you try out. If anyone else is up for the challenge, find a buddy and start texting or text me.
If you haven't every kept a food log or it's been some time since you last have, take on a challenge to write it down for 2 weeks and then see what patterns arise. You can also post your food log to Google docs and share it with me ( for my viewing pleasure, I will be happy to give you some feedback.
Access the Nutritionize food log here by downloading the power packet.
Texting Zoleoite Meal #1
Sashimi with salad (not pictured:some seaweed salad was added as a side).
Can anyone guess who my texting Zoleoite is?
Also, I am working on a list of good online logging tools. Has anyone tried an online tool they like? Please share your comments.
Ritu Riyat
ritu – i couldn’t agree with you more. logging is so eye opening for WODs and for food. it is also a sense of accomplishment
One of my favorite logging tools is I like how it gives you a detailed macro and micro-nutrient break down of the foods you eat. It’s a real eye opener!
OG Jenn?
i don’t currently use one, but would any of our bloggers be interested in working with me to develop a nutrition app on Android?
if you like to see an example of my work (and colleagues), check out cloudlist on Android. We’re currently featured: for our website. whoot!
i don’t currently use one, but would any of our bloggers be interested in working with me to develop a nutrition app on Android?
if you like to see an example of my work (and colleagues), check out cloudlist on Android. We’re currently featured: for our website. whoot! is awesome. You can log your workouts and your food. I use it every day!
Thanks for all the recommendations, I will check these tools out and more.
Andrew shoot me an email to talk more about your app
Ces- you are correct! Our zoleo texter is JEN! She did a fabulous job!
Thanks for all the recommendations, I will check these tools out and more.
Andrew shoot me an email to talk more about your app
Ces- you are correct! Our zoleo texter is JEN! She did a fabulous job!