With Turkey Day almost here, are you prepared? Have you told yourself you're going to Nutritionize, or completely blow it? Either way is totally VIEW POST
Aside from stuffing the belly, and shopping, Thanksgiving is also a time to go out and watch some of your favorite movies. For many movie goers this VIEW POST
Food Drive
The holiday season is in full effect and as we all prepare to fill our bellies over the next few weeks let's take a moment to be thankful for all VIEW POST
“Fruit of the Gods”
Before I moved to California 5 years ago from New York, I never even heard of this thing. I had my first Persimmon a few weeks ago, plucked right off VIEW POST
"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the VIEW POST
14 Ways to Save Money Being Paleo
Crossfit Reno posted this a few weeks ago and I think we can all benefit from the advice. Times can be hard but it doesn't mean that VIEW POST
Flight or Fight
Recall driving in traffic trying to stay calm and focused when a car cuts you off and you slam your brakes. You sigh with the relief of avoiding an VIEW POST
Guest Post: Let’s Make Nutrition Simple, by Dr. Joe Kosterich
Our first guest blog post! Dr. Joe is a doctor based in Australia that we've been keeping in touch with for a while via Twitter. His philosophy VIEW POST
Lectins: little trouble makers
The following questions were posted to comments the other day: I thought lectin was mostly risky with uncooked beans, but thought canned ones were VIEW POST
Tips for Making a Great Salad
One of the easiest ways to stay Zoleo when you're eating out is to get a salad. Unfortunately salads are a BIG trap that causes people to fall of VIEW POST