After a few days of reaping the benefits of a Paleo lifestyle I decided to splurge on a birthday lunch, thinking how bad can it be? I will eat in moderation. Day 4 breakfast was on point, lunch rolls around and as requested the family prepared me an Indian favorite: Chole Bhature (garbanzo bean and slightly fried bread) with Kheer (rice pudding) for dessert. I normally would have ignored my fullness triggers and eaten about 2 plates but this time I listened and ate in moderation but still managed to hit a stage of uncomfortable fullness. Yes it was delicious but the harsh impact was instantaneous. I felt extremely full and lethargic. Avoiding a nap I pushed through the day but could not even fathom the thought of eating anything else, even having a few bites of chocolate cake (my ultimate weakness) was difficult.
This may sound exaggerated but it’s not. When you really start eating clean and tuning into your body, you become more aware of the effects of what you eat, which is a great tool to have. The best part is “you are always one meal away “from getting right back on the plan, the next morning was paleo as usual.
The first week of Paleo is nearing an end and from the comments that have been posted, you all are staying strong and seeing some results. Keep up the good work!
Have you fallen off at all? How did you feel? How did you get back on? Post to comments…
DAY 1; 8am – woke up (late!)
8:15 – 2 eggs, 1/4c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, 1/3 c unsw applesauce
11 am – hungry, but too busy at work
12:40 – 5 oz salmon, 8 oz green beans
4pm – 1 oz chicken, 1oz green beans
7pm – hungry!
3oz turkey breast, 10 (3oz) grape tomatoes
7:30 WOD
9pm – 4.5 oz roast beef, 8oz eggplant
10:30 pm – went to bed
WATER: 18 8oz glasses
Me again — Smita I just read your comment on sugar, and I’m a junkie, too. I find it best to just say I won’t eat it at all, since then it’s not an option. If I eat one, then another, then I start counting calories or carbs and rationalizing. As Ritu told me “sugar is CRACK!” — which I usually feel since then I still want sugar the next day… Of course every 10-14 days I plan to have some…
Ritu — you posted green beans are to be avoided? They’re in the same category as peas?
Down another 2 pounds…203!!!NICE!
Breakfast – 4 scrambled eggs
Lunch – 2 pieces of chicken from last night, assorted nuts, tangerine.
Dinner – We went big tonight…Lobster tail, half a 14 oz. steak, broccoli, salad with balsamic vinegrette and shrimp cocktail. I broke down a little and had an ice tea with sugar and a little butter for my lobster.
I also didn’t work out today to rest for the Bretheren Throwdown….I bet a gain a couple pounds back! Oh well….feeling good!
Down another 2 pounds…203!!!NICE!
Breakfast – 4 scrambled eggs
Lunch – 2 pieces of chicken from last night, assorted nuts, tangerine.
Dinner – We went big tonight…Lobster tail, half a 14 oz. steak, broccoli, salad with balsamic vinegrette and shrimp cocktail. I broke down a little and had an ice tea with sugar and a little butter for my lobster.
I also didn’t work out today to rest for the Bretheren Throwdown….I bet a gain a couple pounds back! Oh well….feeling good!
Ya Laurie, green beans aren’t Paleo. Aight so you and I sugar junkies need to be buddies. I just ate a whole box of chocolate.
Day 2 – Friday 8-Jan-2010
7:30am – woke up
7:45 – 2 eggs, 1/4c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, 1/3 c unsw applesauce
1:15 pm – 4.5 oz turkey breast, 8 oz red cabbage, 6 almonds(I know this was too late to eat lunch, but work was crazy)
4pm – 1.5 oz turkey, 4 oz green pepper, 6 almonds
7pm – Applebee’s: ½ rack short ribs, no sauce, 2 sides steamed veggies (~1 ½ cups), 1 boneless chicken wing (yuck!not worth it!)
10:30pm – 1 can tuna in water, ½ grapefruit
11:15 pm – went to bed
WATER: 18 glasses
Day 3 – Saturday 9-Jan-2010
8:30am – woke up
9:15 – 2 eggs, 1/4c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, ½ grapefruit
11:30am – 4 oz ahi tuna, ½ apple (4oz)
2:30pm – 1 can tuna, 1 box froz spinach
6:15pm – small dark choc organic froz yogurt
(organic and dark chocolate probably marketing – too easy to rationalize it, but was craving something sweet since lunch…)
7:45pm – 5oz turkey breast, 8oz parsnips, 3 squares dark chocolate
WATER: 16 glasses
Day 2 – Friday 8-Jan-2010
7:30am – woke up
7:45 – 2 eggs, 1/4c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, 1/3 c unsw applesauce
1:15 pm – 4.5 oz turkey breast, 8 oz red cabbage, 6 almonds(I know this was too late to eat lunch, but work was crazy)
4pm – 1.5 oz turkey, 4 oz green pepper, 6 almonds
7pm – Applebee’s: ½ rack short ribs, no sauce, 2 sides steamed veggies (~1 ½ cups), 1 boneless chicken wing (yuck!not worth it!)
10:30pm – 1 can tuna in water, ½ grapefruit
11:15 pm – went to bed
WATER: 18 glasses
Day 3 – Saturday 9-Jan-2010
8:30am – woke up
9:15 – 2 eggs, 1/4c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, ½ grapefruit
11:30am – 4 oz ahi tuna, ½ apple (4oz)
2:30pm – 1 can tuna, 1 box froz spinach
6:15pm – small dark choc organic froz yogurt
(organic and dark chocolate probably marketing – too easy to rationalize it, but was craving something sweet since lunch…)
7:45pm – 5oz turkey breast, 8oz parsnips, 3 squares dark chocolate
WATER: 16 glasses
Had my first experience eating out with some friends that weren’t Paleo. I broke down a little and didn’t go 100% Paleo. I woke up this morning still at 203.
Breakfast- 3 egg omlet with green onions, mushrooms, bacon and avacado.
Snack – 15 grapes and a banana.
Lunch- Ice tea and salad with apples, sweetened walnuts, poppy seed vinegrette. (Red Robin)
Afternoon glass of wine.
Dinner – Sushi that included rice, fried soft shell crab, tempura shrimp etc.
And then I even had ice cream…I had the feeling that I did well this week and I needed a pat on the back/break.
Back after it today!
1/10/09 eating…
Breakfast- egg scramble with steak, mushrooms, onions and spinach. Half an orange.
Lunch – taco meat, 2 pork roast slices and a tangerine.
Snack – apple
Dinner – salad w/ ranch (oops), sliced tritip and 3 ribs.
Didn’t lose any more weight…still at 203.
1/10/09 eating…
Breakfast- egg scramble with steak, mushrooms, onions and spinach. Half an orange.
Lunch – taco meat, 2 pork roast slices and a tangerine.
Snack – apple
Dinner – salad w/ ranch (oops), sliced tritip and 3 ribs.
Didn’t lose any more weight…still at 203.
DAY4 — Sunday
8:15 – 2 eggs, 1/4c egg whites
2 tsp olive oil, 2 small nectarines (3oz)
10:45 – 1.5 oz turkey, 2 oz apple, 6 almonds
2pm – 4.5 oz turkey, 8oz parsnips, 8 almonds
5:30pm – 4.5 oz chicken, 6.5 oz butternut squash, 1tsp flax oil
6:15pm – WOD
8pm – can of tuna, large tangerine
Didn’t sleep much last night, so my sugar cravings kicked in — had to keep reminding myself that I was TIRED and my body DIDN’T need more food!
So excited about my WOD!! I did “Man’s” pushups for the first time, and band-assisted pull-ups!! (they didn’t all count, but it felt really cool to get my chin over the bar a couple times!!!)
1/11/10 eating…
Didn’t lose any more weight this morning.
Breakfast- bacon, avacado, mushroom omlette.
Lunch – assorted nuts and dried fruit and some lunch meat.
Dinner – Chipotle burrito bowl (pork, veggies, salsa, lettuce and guacamole) and a tangerine.
I went to Trader Joe’s today and they have a great selection on nuts and dried fruit. Everyone should try the mango’s…they are sooo good.
1/11/10 eating…
Didn’t lose any more weight this morning.
Breakfast- bacon, avacado, mushroom omlette.
Lunch – assorted nuts and dried fruit and some lunch meat.
Dinner – Chipotle burrito bowl (pork, veggies, salsa, lettuce and guacamole) and a tangerine.
I went to Trader Joe’s today and they have a great selection on nuts and dried fruit. Everyone should try the mango’s…they are sooo good.