Today marks day 1 of my 14 day power cleanse. Once a year I take a couple of weeks to simplify my foods and get reconnected with my body and reap the benefits of feeling great!!! My performance will probably suffera little along with my social life but the break will be good. We put a lot of junk into our body and force our liver, kidneys, and digestive system to flush it all out, and for the most part they do. Doing a short term cleanse is a good way to reduce systemic inflammation triggered by your existing foods and allows the body to heal and operate more optimally. You can then slowly reintroduce a cleaner diet like the Paleo and notice how you respond to it. There are many different cleanses out there, some that involve drinking crazy concoctions- water and pepper? No thanks. I like food so I am sticking to a food based cleanse which allows for all fruits, vegetables, some nuts, no meat and ALL blended! Since I do have Paleo and Zone principles engrained in my head, meal 1 was causing some mental conflict today… I was thinking insulin spike the entire time. The power cleanse if done properly, still provides adequate amounts of protein and nourishment to sustain and balance the body. I certainly won't be hitting any pr's this week but am looking forward to feeling great! Will keep you all posted on how I feel… and if I seem a little loopy in the cell you will know why.
Purple Power Smoothie recipe
Blueberries- 4 ounces
Apple- ½
Soaked Almonds- 4 ounces
Water- 2 cups
Cinnamon- 1/2tsp
Dates- 2
Nutmeg- dash
Blend it all together until smooth and enjoy J You can always balance this out with a side of your favorite lean protein.
Good luck with that Ritu! You can always add protein powder to balance out the smoothie.