Whether you're aware of it or not, everything you do starts with an intention. From waking up, to falling in love, starting a business, to turning in VIEW POST
So, you’ve been hearing about the benefits of meditation for a few years now and even though all your friends are doing it you’ve resisted VIEW POST
Mindful Monday: Wisdom from silence
Whoosh... and just like that we are officially in spring. It's crazy how everything is always changing ALL THE TIME. And when I say VIEW POST
How to develop a meditation practice – Part 2
In part 1 we explored the benefits of meditation and shared a bit about my personal experience with art, science, and discipline of VIEW POST
How to develop a meditation practice – Part 1
I often have people asking me questions about meditation with curiosity and confusion and most times it’s followed “I can’t meditate I have too much VIEW POST
Celebrate Summer
Today marks the longest day of the year and the shortest night, also known as midsummer. We have come full circle from the journey started 6 months VIEW POST
New Year’s Eve Karma Cleanse Party (Instructions included)
With the New Year just a day away it’s time to get serious about setting some goals for the year to come. I usually celebrate the ending of VIEW POST
Chew on this
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keB2LH-KSAE] Don’t eat so fast! Do you have a train to catch? Chew your food! How many times did you hear VIEW POST