As CrossFit continues to expand across the globe, so does the nutrition community that supports it. Hundreds (maybe thousands) have attended day-long performance nutrition seminars. Many others have launched CrossFit nutrition blogs to support their communities on living healthy. Almost every CrossFit box I come across has started nutrition programs, run paleo contests, and/or offer nutrition consulting services to support their members. We can call this community of people the "CrossFit Nutrition Specialists"
We're noticing that the CrossFit Nutrition Specialist community needs a home. A place for all of us to "hang our hat" if you will, where we can collaborate, share ideas, best practices and freely communicate to support each other as we empower and enable the members of our boxes, and the people in our lives to live healthy.
Our intention at Nutritionize is to provide that home. We want to help CrossFit Nutrition Specialists support each other in arming the CrossFit community with the knowledge to live a healthy lifestyle, and be empowered to actually do it.
The thing is, we don't exactly know how we're going to do that. We need to hear from YOU. Some ideas we have are:
- Creating a forum for CrossFit Nutrition Specialists
- Documenting our current system at Nutritionize! for coordinating one hour nutrition fundamental seminars
- Building out our existing documentation and seminar materials to make it more accessible (view the current docs here).
What else can we do to support and build this community, and bring healthy eating and performance nutrition to our fellow crossfitters? Post to comments.
I am down with the CrossFit Nutrition Specialists blogging community! Great idea! I’d love to have you take a field trip down to Santa Cruz for a seminar!
Another idea:
How about start a CrossFit Nutrition Google Group so we can keep in touch, bounce around ideas and questions, and support each other? I am on a PaleoBlogger group right now, through Modern Paleo, and I love the community of like-minded, passionate folks trying to get the word out about nutrition. They also have a weekly Paleo Rodeo that takes submissions from PaleoBloggers and posts them as a link roundup on Modern Paleo for others to keep tabs on the important topics being blogged about.
I would love to join a group specific to CrossFit Nutrition! Let’s get one started!
Kristy, setting up a google group is a great idea. I’ll look into the PaleoBlogger group as well. Thanks!
I too would be excited about a google group, keep me posted AJ!
We’ve got something in the works that we’ll be announcing very soon, stay tuned!
Nutritional imbalance could better be stimulated with the help of proper nutrition consulting.