One of the key Zoleo "Pillars of Power" that really get you going on a healthy lifestyle is to SHARE what you're up to – with everyone. This should involve the traditional talking to people. In addition to that, consider tweeting what you eat! It works. If you've been following us on Twitter, you'll notice that we'll tweet almost every meal that we eat (lately we've lagged since I was at a conference last week). We tweet when we're going Zoleo, and when we're totally blowing it! We tweet everything we eat in a day. I find this has really kept me in the game, and it's great getting support from 3000+ followers. One time I blew it big and tweeted about it, and a random person replied "Just get back on!" That was cool.
If you aren't following us on twitter yet, follow us now! We'll follow you back. We also tweet useful news, articles, and good tweets from other tweeters.
Tweet what you eat!
Step it up one more notch and twitpic what you eat.
Good idea Grok!
How do you respond to tweets?
Smita, you can just respond at or many people will download an app. I use TweetDeck.